Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So here it is

Let me first by stating that when I was a junior in high school, I took an AP English class with Peggy Lewis as the teacher. Now this is one of those college prep courses where you get an extra grade point for the class ... keep that little tidbit in mind. I was in this class because I figure I can a little less work and still get a weighted "A" for doing a "B grades work".

Now go back in time to the first day of class and she announces that every week all students would have to keep a journal and have three entries in it. They could be on the sky is blue, or I love pop tarts in the morning or anything like that. I didn't like that and I didn't care to write anything like that. Who wants to write senseless and useless words on a paper and get a grade for it? So I did what every person wanted to but didn't ... I walked up after class and asked her the question she never dreamed would be asked. "So what would happen if I never turned in a journal?" After her jaw hit the floor and I heard a very stern "Darren Hughes" come out of her mouth, she pointedly informed me that I would be losing ten percent of my grade and the best I could hope for was a 90 in her class. Sweet, I told myself. Remember that extra grade point pad ... I could still get an A's worth of a grade point average in her class.

And now I introduce to you 14 years later, my virtual online journal. If Mrs. Lewis only knew what I was doing she would be smiling. Maybe through this venture I can earn back my ten percent.

I would like to thank Jeff Culmer, Chris Farnsworth, and my wife, Sarah Hughes (the English teacher, and God's ironical version of his sense of humor)


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Darren!!! I am so excited you don't even know. I'll even take some picture for you.

Culmer's Thoughts said...