Sunday, November 2, 2008

no matter where we are

So we're in Arhus, Denmark tonight, doing show 3 of our European tour. I've been working with Crowns for almost a year now, and a good portion of that time I spent the whole show staring at a screen, pressing space bar, and reading the lyrics to the entire show, so it's not like I haven't heard these words before. But tonight I am having the chance to walk around a bit. I walked back to the lighting console to ask Snooch to do me a favor while the band was playing "Praise You in This Storm." On my to the console there were several people in the audience with their lighters in the air, which I thought was cool in an 80's rock sort of way; then, on my way back, there were a lot of people with their hands in the air singing, "for You are who You are, no matter where I am." In that moment, God, being who He is, took the opportunity to smack me upside the head with some truth. This God, who I love and serve, is the same God who all these people in Denmark love and serve. This God is bigger than our towns, or our countries, or what language, or even what side of the road we drive on. God is God, no matter where we are; and that is rocking my world tonight (from another part of the world).


TDfan said...

Awesome revelation. Isn't it interesting how God talks to us especially when we need it most?

Anonymous said...

That is so great when awesome God moments like that strike us.So humbling and you just want to bask in the brisk beautiful breeze of the moment,lifetime of that revelation.

That is great!!Encouraging and thank you so much for sharing.I had that same revaltion when I went on a missions trip to Cochabamba,Bolivia in South America in 1988 when I was 18 years old just starting my senior year of high school.

Thank you and praying for you,
Stephanie G